
What our customers are saying

Alix Jennings, Communication Chair, Kings Road Elementary School Madison, NJ:

"LocalArq's mobile and online directory has been incredible! It is so easy to search the directory for a parent or child, to look at all of the class lists, to find a teacher’s email address or phone number, and to look at the school calendar. It’s also great to be able to update your entry at any time. The site is super easy to use, both online and on a smart phone. It looks great and everyone at our school has been thrilled with it."

Rebecca Rund, PTA President & WebMaster, Woodside Avenue School, Franklin Lakes, NJ:

"We piloted the mobile directory at our school this year. As a PTA president, I need quick and easy access to parent contact info. The mobile directory has been a wonderful tool to have at my fingertips! It’s easy to use and I can call or email parents with a single touch of my smart phone’s screen. I rarely use my printed directory (which stays in my kitchen for my kids). Mobile directories are the way to go!"

Leigh Geissler, Directory Chair at Holland School PTO, Holland Township, NJ:

“You really made this simple for me so it did not really require any additional work on my part. I really do like the app and going live was not a lot of work (for me) and you made the process easy. I use the app when I need someone’s phone number and I’m not at home.
Judy Shanahan, Directory Chair at Woodland School PTO, Warren, NJ